Elevate Pediatric Readiness in Your Emergency Department with SafeDose

by | May 22, 2024

Elevate Pediatric Readiness in Your Emergency Department with SafeDose

More than 30 million pediatric patients in the US are seen in emergency departments annually, with approximately 80% of these children being treated in general EDs which see fewer than 15 pediatric patients daily. Lower pediatric volumes lead to less practice and less preparation for higher acuity pediatric patients. Most concerning is that a 2021 study in JAMA Network Open revealed that many of these EDs do not fully meet the national guidelines for pediatric emergency readiness listed by EMSC. This is not just alarming; it’s a call to action.

On May 16, 2024, the House of Representatives renewed an ENA-supported Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act to continue efforts in ensuring every emergency department across the US is pediatric ready. Ensuring pediatric readiness in emergency departments is vital to delivering optimal care to the most vulnerable patients! It is also critical to maintain your Trauma Center Certification from the American College of Surgeons.

Pediatric emergencies demand precision and expertise, especially regarding medication administration. Errors in dosing, preparation, or administration can have serious consequences for children. That’s why keeping ED teams up to date with the latest pediatric protocols and guidelines is recommended to ensure the highest standard of care.

Why Pediatric Readiness Matters:
Pediatric emergencies require specialized knowledge, equipment, and protocols to ensure the best possible outcomes. Children have unique physiological and psychological needs that differ from adults, necessitating a tailored approach to their care. Ensuring pediatric readiness in your ED is not just about compliance, it’s also about providing the highest standard of care for every child who comes through the hospital doors.

How SafeDose Helps:
SafeDose is a comprehensive software-based resource, easily accessible from a stand-alone browser, integrated in your EHR, or available on any mobile device. The solution is tailored to meet the specific needs of pediatric medication dosing and administration, common pediatric illness and injury education, evidence-based best practice standard guidelines and protocols, and more. SafeDose helps you elevate your pediatric readiness and make a significant impact on your patient care in several important ways:

Pediatric Medication Management:

  • Pediatric Formulary: Access a comprehensive, customizable database of pediatric medications, including weight-based dosing guidelines, administration tips, preparation and dilution instructions, and compatibility information, all at your fingertips via an EHR hyperlink or mobile application. Created for the ED, the software provides all the information you need at the point of care without the clutter of extraneous material.
  • Code Sheets: Customizable code sheets that follow NRP, PALS, and ALCS guidelines, including equipment charts and electricity dosing for cardioversion and defibrillation. Code sheets are available for resuscitation, RSI, seizures, and anaphylaxis and can be printed on-demand, inventoried in advance, and used to create regularly and easily updated code books.

Nursing Education:

  • Readiness Resources: Point of care and educational best practice resources on pediatric illness and injuries.
  • Scenario-Based Simulation Planners: for practicing evidence-based best-practice standard pediatric scenarios which include common illnesses and injuries and include guidelines that align with PALS, NRP, ACLS, ENPC, and TNCC.
  • In-Service Sheets: One-pagers that provide a quick overview of the disease process or injury, appropriate nursing interventions, and common medications ordered.
  • Videos and Web-Based Training for ED leaders: On-demand training for best utilizing the SafeDose software and educator resources to help your team feel safe and confident when caring for pediatric patients.

Why Emergency Departments Choose SafeDose:

  • Pediatric Focus: Specifically designed to address the many challenges of pediatric medication management and nursing education in emergency departments.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design and seamless integration into existing workflows ensure minimal disruption and maximum efficiency when it matters most.
  • Comprehensive Support: From implementation to ongoing training and support, the SafeDose team of experienced pediatric emergency nurses and pharmacists are dedicated to helping you maximize the benefits of our software and achieve your pediatric readiness goals.

Contact Us Today:
Are you ready for your team to be pediatric-ready superheroes? Don’t wait until the next error or high-acuity emergency to ensure your team is prepared. Contact SafeDose today to schedule a demo and learn how our innovative platform can transform pediatric care in your emergency department.

About SafeDose
At SafeDose, we understand the unique challenges and complexities of pediatric medication administration, finding the appropriately sized equipment, and having the knowledge base needed for this population. Our software solution is a trusted resource that provides the most up-to-date best practice treatment algorithms and education. By adopting SafeDose, your team can enhance pediatric readiness, streamline medication administration, and significantly improve patient safety, a goal we all strive for. SafeDose is used in over 400 emergency departments to help empower healthcare professionals to care for pediatric patients with confidence.

House passes Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act. Accessed May 20, 2024. https://www.ena.org/press-room/articles/detail/2024/05/16/house-passes-emergency-medical-services-for-children-reauthorization-act.

Melhado CG, Remick K, Miskovic A, et al. Emergency department pediatric readiness of United States trauma centers in 2021: Trauma center facility characteristics and opportunities for improvement. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Published online May 13, 2024. doi:10.1097/TA.0000000000004387

Remick KE, Hewes HA, Ely M, et al. National Assessment of Pediatric Readiness of US Emergency Departments During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(7):e2321707. Published 2023 Jul 3. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.21707

National Pediatric Readiness Project. Emergency Medical Services for Children Innovation and Improvement Center (EIIC). Accessed May 20, 2024. https://emscimprovement.center/domains/pediatric-readiness-project/.